Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Saw : Obama Edition

hai. gw nemu maenan asik nih. tau film saw? kalo tau pasti tau jigsaw kan? nah game ini ada jigsaw, yang menyandra keluarganya obama di white house. gw maenin, sempet ngulang beberapa kali sih, tapi akhirnya menang. yeaa ini endingnya

kalo mo nyoba nih linknya : Obama Pigsaw Game
Good Luck !

oiya tadi niatnya gw mo nnton transformers 2, tapi tiketnya abis aaa. moga2 aja besok dapet

Currently Listening To
Attention Attention
by All Night Outside

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

hanh !

yo. udah lama juga gw ga ngepost. tadi gw sempet panik men. ceitanya, gw lg di warnet, mo ngambil file gitu lah. tapi gw cari2 ga ada connector ke usb nya di bagian depan cpu. yaudah, gw tarik aja cpunya, mo nyolokin flashdisk di belakangnya. tapi entah kenapa pas gw liat monitor, ga ada koneksi internet. nah lo. gw bilang ke mas2nya, gw suruh pindah aja ke komp sebelah. gw pindah lah. nah di komp sebelah, gw jg masih berusaha nyolokin flashdisk di blkg cpu. tapi ini lebih parah. cpu mati. panik gw. gw coba nyalain ga bisa. gw bilang lagi ke mas2 warnet. dia udah gahar kali. "tu anak ngerusakin komputer gw aja". pas lg benerin, dia kyknya udah kesel sm gw aaa. tp bodo amat.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Hello. I couldn’t sleep well tonight. I kept reminiscing about my old flames, if you know what I mean. Let’s just say her name is Paula. She used to be my classmate. I remember, I liked her because of her personality, beautiful, cheerful, attractive, talkative. She was definitely the girl I was looking for. she used to sit in front of me in class. And in class, if I felt bored, just by looking at her, she could make me smile. We know each other because of that. She’s not very good at English, I used to help her with it. And she’s very diligent. Then, I used to call her at night. That made me so fucking happy. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. One day, I tell her about my feeling to her. She was surprised. She didn’t expect me to say that. She told me that she will give her answer, but not in that moment. The she hung up. I was.. how do I say it. confused, excited, anxious. The next day, I called her, but she didn’t accept. I sent her messages, but no answers. And finally, the next day, she gave her answer. But she don’t want to be my girlfriend. she said that we’re better if we just be friends. I was a little disappointed, though. I was expecting she would say yes. But, what to do? So I just accept the fact. When we met at school, we didn’t talk much. It was like she was avoiding me, or I was too shy to speak to her. But after some weeks, we chatted like usual. And things’ve changed. She was in love with another guy. Oh, man. I was upset, but I couldn’t do anything. i think, if she’s happy with someone else, then that would make me happy too. Heh, I’m such a fool.

Time has passed. My feeling to paula was slowly fading. And then there’s another girl. Her name was… let’s just say Claudia. Claudia was the most beautiful girl in my class. Their personality are the same. “she had the most amazing smile”, I’d say. That moment, I approached her carefully. I don’t want to do the same mistake twice. I didn’t call her at night. We were just texting. She is a good friend to chat to. I enjoy texting with her. Until one day, again, she fell in love with another guy. That moment, I thought I was too late. (sigh). Until now, I still have some feelings to those two. Sometimes they came to my dream. I hope dreams DO come true.

Currently Listening To
My Heroine
by Silverstein

Saturday, June 6, 2009

i'm looking forward to this movie

The battle for Earth has ended but the battle for the universe has just begun. After returning to Cybertron, Starscream assumes command of the Decepticons, and has decided to return to Earth with force. The Autobots believing that peace was possible finds out that Megatron's dead body has been stolen from the US Military by Skorpinox and revives him using his own spark. Now Megatron is back seeking revenge and with Starscream and more Decepticon reinforcements on the way, the Autobots with reinforcements of their own, may have more to deal with then meets the eye.

Currently Listening To
Save The Cheerleader
by I See Stars